
At UNC we like to win,

and it doesn’t stop at basketball.

There are so many people working hard to make UNC-Chapel Hill more sustainable, but not everyone knows how they can contribute to this campus-wide effort. That’s why Carolina Dining Services has partnered with Carolina Athletics to bring you the chance to win free basketball tickets to see UNC vs. NC State or . . .  you guessed it, DUKE! 

Throughout the Eat Sort Win campaign from October 1st-November 11th, we will be posting tips on social media for how to properly compost and recycle on campus. That’s not all- we’re making sorting your waste even easier! Once you’ve finished eating your lunch, our Green Guides will be happy to teach you how to sort whatever is left into composting, recycling, or landfill. As a reward for helping us spread the word on proper waste diversion, you will even have the chance to win basketball tickets!

Check out the links above for more details, including how to enter, and how to get involved in the Green Guide program!

Everyday is a GDTBATH when we’re helping the Earth!