Employee Express Plan
The Carolina Employee Express Plan is designed to offer all permanent employees of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill the flexibility of using their UNC One Card for purchases on campus and having those purchases deducted from their payroll check each payday. This plan is available only to full-time or part-time permanent employees at the University. There is no fee associated with the Carolina Employee Express Plan. Your payroll deduction is only for the cost of your campus purchases.
The Carolina Employee Express Plan is accepted in all CDS locations.
All employees who use their Carolina Employee Express Plan receive an instant door discount of 30% at both Top of Lenoir Dining Hall and Chase Dining Hall.
- You may visit the UNC One Card Office to set up your Carolina Employee Express Plan on your UNC One Card, or you may enroll online and have the plan activated immediately. Once you login with your ONYEN and password, click “Sign up for Carolina Employee Express Plan.” Then, you are ready to enjoy the ease and convenience of the plan at locations all across campus.
- At the end of each pay period, you will receive an email that directs you to an electronic statement. This statement will show transactions and total balance from that pay period which will be deducted from your next paycheck.
- Employees who are paid biweekly will have a spending limit of $100 per pay period. Employees who are paid monthly will have a spending limit of $200 per pay period.
- For all disputed charges, you will need to go to the UNC One Card Office and fill out a dispute form. After review by the UNC One Card Office and the CDS location in question, if there is an error, the UNC One Card Office either will apply a credit against your existing balance due (if during the same pay period) or add a credit to the existing Faculty/Staff Expense Plan. Credits will not be applied to your pay check.
If you have any other questions, please check the Carolina Employee Express Plan Terms & Conditions or call the UNC One Card Office at 919.962.8024.