Green Guide Program

We are proud to offer front of house composting and recycling bins in our main dining locations. Though we work hard to educate the campus community on how to properly divert waste, we still have high contamination rates in our bins. Our Green Guides help to decrease these rates and promote more thoughtful waste disposal.

What are Green Guides?

Green Guides are student volunteers that help people sort their waste between compost, recycling, and landfill in Lenoir Mainstreet. This program originally began as a part of Eat Sort Win, our award-winning composting and recycling education campaign where you have the chance win UNC-Duke basketball tickets!

We now hold Green Guide shifts throughout the academic year in an effort to reduce our contamination rates in front-of-house recycling and compost bins!


Contaminants are items that are sorted into the wrong bin; they can ruin a collection of recyclables, shut down recycling equipment, or pollute cropland by contaminating compost with plastics, chemicals, and other waste. By educating the campus on proper waste sorting, Green Guides help to reduce contamination in our waste streams!

How to Join

Fill out the form below! As a thank you to our Green Guides, we provide a free t-shirt as well as a residential meal voucher for each shift that can be used at Chase or Top of Lenoir. Once you’ve filled that out, you can sign up for specific shifts on this spreadsheet:

Green Guide Sign Up Form

Green Guide Sign Up Form

Thank you for your interest in our Green Guide Program! Sign up below to receive information on upcoming dates and how to sign up.

We have a limited supply of t-shirts, so these are first come first serve!