Safety Policies
Current & Revised Safety Policies
In response to COVID-19, we have revised our safety guidelines to include extra measures to ensure the safety of our staff and guests. Below is a detailed overview of the extra precautions we are taking at this time:
All employees and visitors entering into a food preparation, production, service or ware-washing area must wash their hands with soap and warm water (100° F [38° C]) and adhere to the standards stated below. Employees must wash hands when starting work, as well as:
- Hand wash every 20 minutes
- Handwash before:
- Handling food and in between handling raw and ready-to-eat foods
- Putting on disposable gloves and in between glove changes
- Putting on cut-resistant gloves
- Handling clean dishes, utensils and glasses
- Putting on a clean apron
Employee Health
Per Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) guidelines, if an employee has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or is presumed positive by a medical professional due to symptoms, the employee should be excluded from work until no fever for at least 72 hours since recovery and other symptoms have improved (e.g.) coughing, shortness of breath) and at least 10 days have passed since first symptoms.
When to change disposable gloves:
- In between tasks (e.g. when switching from raw and ready-to-eat food)
- After sneezing, coughing, or blowing nose
- After touching hair, face, nose, body or people
- When changing workstations, and upon returning to the food preparation, production and serving areas
- When gloves are torn or damaged
- When continuously working with a ready-to-eat food for 4 hours
- After hand washing – gloves are changed every 20 minutes to align with handwashing policy
Mask Use
The CDC recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other physical distancing measures are difficult to maintain especially in areas of significant community-based transmission.
- Always wear a clean mask
- Remove mask prior to entering restroom or taking a break
- Change mask when it becomes dirty
- After sneezing or coughing
- At the end of work shift
- We will provide Ziploc bag for placement of mask when entering restroom or taking a break.
Cell Phones
Cell phones carry bacteria and germs when not properly cleaned and sanitized. To minimize food contamination and occupational safety incidents the following policy will be introduced:
- Limit the use of cell phones in all food service/preparation/storage areas.
Sanitation Policies
Aramark is enhancing current policies to maintain the highest food safety standards in the industry. For reference purposes, the following is the enhanced Cleaning & Sanitizing (including Ware-washing) standard for U.S. food service operations. Food service location managers in the U.S. are responsible for ensuring that the standards are being followed.
- When soap and water aren’t available, proper hand sanitizing is one of the most important steps to mitigate the spread of communicable diseases. Hand sanitizing can help keep guests safe while reducing the risk of a disease outbreak.
- Addition of sanitizer stations to common workspaces
- Touch-free hand sanitizer machines
- Hand sanitizing wipes
- Addition of disinfectant use for high touch hazard areas and common touch points for non-food contact surfaces.
- Additional cleaning will be conducted between guests’ visits (tables/chairs etc.).