Ask the Sustainability Manager: Waste Management


How do I sort my waste between compost, recycling, and landfill?

We offer compostable packaging and post-consumer composting and recycling bins in Lenoir Mainstreet, Beach Cafe, and Chase Hall. We’re proud to offer these bins to divert waste from landfills, but we know it can be a bit confusing when it comes time to sort your leftovers between the bins.

Here are some things to keep in mind to make the waste-sorting process easier!

  1. Compost food waste and BPI-certified compostable packaging, napkins, and utensils.
  2. Recycle bottles and cans, but keep cups out of the recycling bins.
  3. Check out our packaging boards above the waste bins to see where certain items belong.
  4. Review our Disposables Guide to see exactly which items are compostable, recyclable, or landfill.
  5. Read the Office of Waste Reduction’s guidelines for on-campus recycling.
  6. When in doubt, throw it out! It’s better to prevent contamination if you aren’t sure where something goes.